Why It Is Important to Schedule a Septic Tank Inspection after a Home Purchase

Posted on: 25 August 2020


If you recently purchased a home with a septic system, there is one very important thing you need to do—schedule a tank inspection. During the purchase, you probably had the home inspected, but the glance over the inspector gave the septic system is not enough for you to truly assess the condition of the system. Learn why scheduling this service as early as possible is so important.

1. Get Accurate Information

A quality septic tank can easily last upwards of 30 years. Over this period, it is easy for information to get lost, including details on the exact size of the tank. During the inspection, the technician will be able to let you know precisely how large the tank is. The technician can then use this information to compare to the size of your family, the size of your home, and your water usage needs to help you determine how often the tank should be emptied going forward. The technician can also provide precise details on the age of the tank.

2. Keeping It in Condition

Most people would like to think that a seller takes everything with them when they leave, but the reality is many people leave behind waste in the tank. The last thing you want to experience is a backup of waste inside the home from someone else. During the inspection, the technician will be able to let you know how full the tank is to let you know if you need to have the tank emptied right away, or how much time you have until this service is necessary so that you can avoid an unfortunate system backup scenario.

3. Meet Maintenance Needs

The inspection performed during the home inspection process is generally visual, whereas the inspection performed by a trained professional is more encompassing. During this process, the entire tank is sometimes emptied to inspect the condition of the tank, particularly if the tank is very old, the drain field is inspected, and the pipes are also assessed for efficiency. When the inspection is complete, the technician can notify you of any current issues with the tank, as well as the potential for any future problems. This information makes it easier to plan your maintenance costs and stay in front of potential problems. 

If you need to schedule an inspection, contact an inspector as soon as possible. Visit websites such as http://www.southernsanitarysystems.com to work with someone who can quickly find out the condition of your septic tank.