3 Things To Do Before Your New Water Well Is Installed

Posted on: 29 September 2020


Using a well can be a valuable and efficient water source for your household. If you are hoping to save money on your monthly water bill or live off of the grid, a water well is a good option. There are a few steps you can take before the installation day to ensure that your water well contractor can get the job done without any issues. Here are 3 things you should do to prepare ahead of time.

1) Pick a drilling location that is safe from chemical hazards.

As you decide where your new water well will be placed, there are several factors to keep in mind. The drilling spot must be a safe distance from anything that might possibly leach contaminants into your water. Toxins on the ground surface may not be obvious or seem outwardly dangerous, but there are some basic aspects to always consider. Do not choose a location near agricultural fields that may use fertilizer or pesticides that could run into your well during heavy rains. Additionally, try to find a site that is at least 100 feet from a septic tank or sewer, and avoid placing the well next to any places where vehicles may be parked or sit for long periods of time. Watch out for livestock stables, chicken coops, gas pipes, and pesticide storage units. Ultimately, the ideal water well location is far away from areas that could leak hazardous chemicals into your clean water supply. Your water well contractor can help advise you about the best spot for your own property, but it is a good idea to plan a safe location beforehand.

2) Make the area clear for your water well contractor to reach the drilling site.

Once you have chosen the drilling location, it's important to ensure that the water well professionals can safely access your property. Prior to the installation, take the time to make the area clear of anything that could hamper the job. To help everything go smoothly and efficiently, the contractor will need an unobstructed path to the site without needing to stop to move things around for a clear trail. Remove any debris or large objects in the area. This includes heavy equipment, trash, tools, or litter that could damage truck tires. Check that your pets are safely secured inside, and keep children away from the drilling area to prevent anyone from being underfoot.

3) Be aware of the amount of water you will need to supply your household.

You should have a general idea of how much water you'll need to sufficiently operate your home. This information will help your water well contractor provide the right pump for your specific needs. To determine an estimated amount, think about the number of people in your household when you make your calculations. On average, one person will use about 100 gallons of water every day on basic tasks such as cooking and bathing. If there are other tasks that you perform regularly, like feeding livestock or washing vehicles, don't forget to incorporate that extra water into your overall requirements. After you figure out your desired supply amount, give this data to your water well contractor to ensure that the correct type of pump arrives for the installation.

Doing some careful preparation before your water well installation can help make the process quick, safe, and effective. For more information, contact a water well installation service today.