Sources Of Problems With Your Septic System
Posted on: 5 May 2022
A home that uses a septic tank system to process its wastewater will be extremely reliant on this system. Unfortunately, there are many issues that could lead to this critical part of the plumbing system starting to fail. To keep septic problems from impacting your quality of life or causing major property damage, homeowners should become more aware of these issues so they can avoid contributing to these problems as well as being better able to respond when problems start to develop.
Soil Stability Problems
The septic tank will be extremely heavy. In addition to the weight of the wastewater that is inside it, the weight of the concrete or steel walls that encase the tank will also put a strain on the soil. If the tank is located in an area that does not have good soil stability, it can actually sink into the ground enough to detach it from the plumbing lines to your home or the drainfield. If your septic tank has started to experience this problem, it may be possible to correct it by installing additional supports under the tank that can spread its weight over larger areas. However, if this is not possible, moving the septic tank to a different area of the yard may be necessary.
Failing To Use Septic-Safe Products
The types of products that you are using with your plumbing is another consideration that could impact the performance of the septic tank. While individuals may appreciate the need to use septic safe toil paper, they may not realize that they should also only use septic safe dish soap and other cleaning products. Otherwise, harsh soaps and sanitizing products could decimate the bacteria in the tank, and this could prevent the tank from breaking down solid waste as efficiently as is needed.
Not Pumping The Septic Tank Until Performance Issues Develop
Pumping out the septic tank can remove the solid waste that has failed to fully break down in the unit. While pumping the septic tank is a universal maintenance step that all of these systems will need to have done to them, individuals can be guilty of waiting to schedule the system to be pumped until they start to notice performance issues with it. In particular, the drains may start to run more slowly due to the capacity of the tank being decreased as a result of the accumulations in it. Generally, septic tank systems will need to be pumped at least every couple of years to avoid clogs and other performance problems that could be far more expensive and difficult to repair. Look into septic system inspections for more information.